What is Homeopathy?
![]() Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of natural medicine which involves remedies made of highly diluted substances of plant, animal, and mineral origin. Homeopathic remedies are given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of stimulating our body’s own system of healing. In homeopathy, the more dilute a substance becomes, the more potent. This is based on a systematic process of ultra high dilutions and succussions (vigorous shaking) in water, through which the initial substance then leaves an energetic imprint on the water molecules.
The healing philosophy of homeopathy is then used to treat illness with the concept of "like cures like" or the law of similars. To put it simply, a substance given in large doses to a healthy individual can cause the same disease symptoms which it would cure in a sick person with those symptoms. The right matching remedy for each individual is determined through a series of extremely detailed questions during a homeopathic intake. Contact our office at NEW to find out if you can benefit from the incredibly effective powers of homeopathy! ![]() Numerous clinical trials show homeopathy is extremely safe and effective, used for both acute and chronic conditions. France, Greece, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, and India are just a few of the countries in which homeopathy is widely used in primary care. In the 1800's homeopathy was incredibly popular among the educated and wealthy social classes, while conventional medicine was found among the uneducated and poor. The early 1900's found more homeopathic doctors in the Chicago-land area than anywhere in the world; there were 22 homeopathic colleges throughout the United States as well as various homeopathic hospitals. For more information about homeopathy, please check the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association.
Contact InfoDr. Simona Ciobanu ND
1010 Jorie Blvd, Suite 112 Oak Brook, IL 60523 Map Call 630-251-4994 or Email [email protected] Request an appointment online |